Connecting with Quassel

Quassel is an open-source, cross-platform IRC client.

  1. From the menu, select FileNetworksConfigure Networks....
  2. Click on Add.
  3. Select Manually specify network settings.
    1. Network name: fill in the network name you want to connect to.
    2. Server address: fill in your bouncer server address, which should look like
    3. Port: 31337
    4. Server password: fill in username/network:password. For example, if your username is john, the network you want to connect to is ircnow, and your password is abcde12345, then fill in john/ircnow:abcde12345.
    5. Check Use encrypted connection.
    6. Check Verify connection security.
    7. Click OK at the bottom-right corner.
  4. To the right of the Identity combo box, to the right of where it says Default Identity, there is a square button. Click on that to edit your identity.
  5. Edit Real Name and Nicknames so that they match the bouncer username you registered.
  6. If you see a message saying ZNC is not yet connected, type /znc connect -- wait a few minutes to connect.