Connection with mIRC

mIRC is proprietary software. To protect your privacy and freedom, you should consider using an open source IRC client.

Graphical Method

  1. To see if SSL is supported, type this inside an mIRC window:
    //echo -ag $sslready

  2. Click Yes.
  3. If $true, then your mIRC supports SSL. If $false, then your mIRC does not support SSL.
  4. From the menu bar, select FileSelect Server or type Alt+E.
  5. Click on Add.

    If your mIRC supports SSL, fill in these details:
    Description: network-bnc
    Ports: +31337
    Password: username/network:password

    Replace with your server's address; replace network, username and password. For example, if your username is john, the network you want to connect to is ircnow, and your password is abcde12345:
    Description: ircnow-bnc
    Ports: +31337
    Password: john/ircnow:abcde12345

    # If your mIRC does not support SSL, fill in these details:
    Description: network-bnc
    Ports: 1337
    Password: username/network:password

    Replace with your server's address; replace network, username and password. For example, if your username is john, the network you want to connect to is ircnow, and your password is abcde12345:
    Description: ircnow-bnc
    Ports: 1337
    Password: john/ircnow:abcde12345
  6. If you see a message saying ZNC is not yet connected, type /znc connect -- wait a few minutes to connect.

mIRC 7.33 (beta) to 7.41 users

There is a bug in mIRC. You must load this script (Attach:znc.mrc):

; ZNC 1.7.0 added support for server-time.
; mIRC 7.38 - 7.41 will stall/hang during the connection.
; by KindOne
; originally from
; Remove support for server-time and finish the CAP so
; mirc can connect.
raw *:*:{
  if (($version < 7.33) || ($version > 7.41)) { return }
  if (($1 == && ($4-5 == ACK :server-time)) {
    cap req -server-time
    cap end

Press Alt+R to load Remote Scripts, then copy the text above and paste it inside, then press OK.

Alternatively, save this file as "znc.mrc" (do not save as znc.mrc.txt) and put it where you installed mIRC.

mIRC version 7.41 or later

Type this inside an mIRC window:

/server -a -p +31337 -g network-bnc -w username/network:password -d network-bnc
/server network-bnc

Replace with your actual server; replace username, network, and password with your real username, network, and password. Make sure that you include the plus sign + for +31337.

For example, if the network you want to connect to is ircnow, your username is john, and your password is abcde12345, then:

/server -a -p +31337 -g ircnow-bnc -w john/ircnow:abcde12345 -d ircnow-bnc
/server ircnow-bnc

If you see a message saying ZNC is not yet connected, type /znc connect -- wait a few minutes to connect.

mIRC version 6.x

Type this inside an mIRC window:

/server -a -p 1337 -g network-bnc -w username/network:password -d network-bnc
/server network-bnc

Replace with your actual server; replace username, network, and password with your real username, network, and password.

For example, if the network you want to connect to is ircnow, your username is john, and your password is abcde12345, then:

/server -a -p 1337 -g ircnow-bnc -w john/ircnow:abcde12345 -d ircnow-bnc
/server ircnow-bnc

If you see a message saying ZNC is not yet connected, type /znc connect -- wait a few minutes to connect.

Adding Multiple Networks

Press Alt+R and click on the tab Remote:

on *:start: {
  server +31337 username/network1:password
  server -m +31337 username/network2:password
  server -m +31337 username/network3:password
  server -m +31337 username/network4:password

Replace with your server; replace username and password with your real username and password, and replace network1, network2, etc with your real networks. If you do not have SSL, replace +31337 with 1337 (no plus sign). If you see a message saying ZNC is not yet connected, type /znc connect -- wait a few minutes to connect.