

There are two levels of categorisation for documents; Groups and Categories . Each page on the wiki is stored in a file in the directory $FarmD/wiki.d/ using a file naming convention of wikiGroup.Page. This provides the first level of organisation of pages. In addition, pages can be placed into one or more categories, also known as tags. See Using Tags / Categories below.

Wiki Groups

The following is a list of known wiki groups with a description of their purpose.

This is a work in progress. See WikiTips.WikiGroups

Tags / Categories

The following is a list of categories in use and their purpose.

  • bots - IRC Bots
  • perl - Perl Programming Language information or code
  • lua - Lua Programming Language information or code
  • javascript - Javascript Programming Language information or code

Using Tags / Categories

By default, documents are broken into You can also add categories to them (also known as tags in the documentation). This produces a special wikigroup of Category.tag which is auto generated using a template you can specify. It can then be accessed using the (:pagelist category=tag:) markup.

You can have multiple categories on a page.

To define a category on a page you use the special link markup like this [[!myTag]]. This produces a link on the page, which may not be what you want. To hide the link, add () around the tag like this: [[(!myTag)]].

pagelist doesn't seem to accept block definitions :(

(:pagelist category=bots:)