Basic OpenHTTPd Configuration
(redirected from Openbsd.Openhttpd)
OpenHTTPd is a light-weight web server developed by OpenBSD.
- Lean: Small, no plugins
- Clean code
- Secure: Strict validity checking, privilege separation, strong cryptography
- Fast
- Easy to configure with good documentation
Docs and references
In addition to httpd(8) and httpd.conf(5) man pages, you may find the book Httpd and Relayd Mastery helpful. The book contains many configuration examples. is also an interesting stack that uses OpenHTTPd.
NOTE: Replace with your own domain
First, copy the example file in /etc/examples/httpd.conf
to /etc/
$ doas cp /etc/examples/httpd.conf /etc/httpd.conf
Edit /etc/httpd.conf
to read as follows:
server "" { listen on * port 80 location "/.well-known/acme-challenge/*" { root "/acme" request strip 2 } # location * { # block return 302 "https://$HTTP_HOST$REQUEST_URI" # } } #server "" { # listen on * tls port 443 # tls { # certificate "/etc/ssl/" # key "/etc/ssl/private/" # } # location "/pub/*" { # directory auto index # } # location "/.well-known/acme-challenge/*" { # root "/acme" # request strip 2 # } #}
with your actual hostname. On some other web servers,
this name is known as the virtual host.
Notice how we commented out two sections. We will leave these sections commented out until we have requested TLS certs.
Let's explain the configuration file:
listen on
tells the web server to listen on all IPs on port 80.
The first location
block in lines 3-6 responds to verification requests
according to the ACME protocol. It is used in conjunction with
acme-client for requesting TLS certs. For any request
that begins with
httpd(8) will look for the documents in the
new root /acme
. Since OpenHTTPd chroots to /var/www
default, the document root is actually /var/www/acme/
. The directive
request strip 2
tells openhttpd to search in /var/www/acme/
and not
(two path components are stripped
Normally, the second location
section in lines 7-9 would tell the web
server to respond with HTTP 302 for all other requests. An HTTP 302 response
forwards the web browser to a new URL address. Any user that connects to your
web server using port 80, except for ACME verification, would be forwarded to
use TLS on port 443 instead.
This second location
block is suggested by OpenBSD, but in this lesson, we
will serve unencrypted web pages to make configuration simpler. So for now,
comment out the second location block (lines 7-9) as shown above.
Note: You must have a server block listening on port 80. Do not delete this block or else acme-client will not work. The web server needs the listener block on port 80 for ACME protocol verification.
To check that your configuration is valid:
$ doas httpd -n configuration OK
Starting the server
Use to enable and start httpd(8):
$ doas rcctl enable httpd $ doas rcctl start httpd httpd(ok)
Create a web page
By default, our configuration serves documents in /var/www/htdocs
. So, use
a text editor to create a webpage in /var/www/htdocs/index.html
. Perhaps
you can put the phrase "Hello, World!".
Test to see if the web server is actually working on port 80. This test should be run on some other computer besides your web server (eg, use your home PC or phone).
The simplest test is to put the URL of your website into a web browser. For example, you might load
To view this on the command line, try telnet:
$ telnet 80
At this point, you must type your web request:
GET /index.html HTTP/1.1 Host:
You should a response similar to the one below:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 14 Content-Type: text/html Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 06:19:33 GMT Last-Modified: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 06:15:19 GMT Server: OpenBSD httpd Hello, world! Connection closed by foreign host.
Configuration Errors
If you were unable to establish the connection above, the first test is to see if httpd(8) has any critical errors.
First, stop all httpd processes:
$ doas rcctl stop httpd
Next, confirm that httpd is no longer running:
$ ps -ax | grep httpd
Finally, run httpd in debug mode:
$ doas httpd -d
Observe if there are any errors. If so, fix those errors before proceeding with troubleshooting.
Permissions Error
$ ls -l /var/www/htdocs/index.html -rw-r--r-- 1 root daemon 14 Nov 12 00:15 /var/www/htdocs/index.html
If the file index.html is not readable by httpd, the webpage cannot load. See chmod(1) and chown for more information about permissions on BSD.
If you changed your firewall rules?, double check to ensure your firewall is not blocking port 80. By default, packet filter? allows web traffic, so the firewall will not block web traffic unless you have edited the default firewall ruleset.
Adding TLS
If you have successfully served unencrypted web pages on port 80, you'll now want to request a TLS cert using acme-client. After you obtain that cert, proceed to add TLS to openhttpd.
See Also: